I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The next four years are going to be great fun to watch, as long as you're not a taxpayer or a liberal.

The disappointment on the naive, idealistic college student's faces is going to be priceless. The hard lessons that Obama's fervent but gullible supporters are about to learn will last them a lifetime, and prepare the young ones for real life. The only one I feel kind of sorry for is Obama himself, for having to deal with the Congress and Cabinet he's saddled himself with.

My sorrow for him fades away somewhat when I remember that from now till he passes away, he and his family will live on the taxpayer's dime. But, that's the mark of a smart man. He's never held a private sector for-profit job in his life, has never been more than an incredible BS artist, and, thanks to a gullible and foolish electorate, won't ever have to think about finding profitable and productive work again. He'll have managed to live his entire life off the largess of the government and benefactors! GREAT scam, and he's pulled it off perfectly!

If you feel I'm wrong about all this, come back in 4 years and tell me so. I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere.

(P.S.) I see the stock market is cratering and oil prices are going up even has He speaks now. How's that for immediate "change"?

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