I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Recently with gas prices high and inflation this word has popped up. Where did it come from? If you aren't taking a "vacation" why call it anything? Hey lets go camping in the park down the street, we'll call it a STAYCATION, WTH!!
Just because you leave your neighborhood, but not the state doesn't make it anything more than a weekend getaway. Short outings are just that. Big Deal, you aren't going to Disneyland this year.
Staycation isnt as bad though as the all time worse word to ever make it into a dictionary - Bootyliscious. What flavor is that? Are there 31?
Even the dictionary has lost respect for the Kings English. No wonder kids are so damn illiterate and actually write papers these days in phone texting format.

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