I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Taylor off to Kindergarten

We now have all three kids in school. In some ways it is a relief, in others we know there is still 13 years of school left not including college.
She only has class for a few hours each day due to morning and afternoon kindergarten classes. Next year it will be a full day.
Trudy did well, but got a little teary eyed after we dropped her off.
Taylor does have her best friend Sammy in her class, and another friend Emily.
We noticed the advice to the teacher was followed after she found out there were three neighbor girls in her class.
They are now seperated at different tables. Gabbing will be her downfall.

Travis started 7th grade at Sunrise Middle School. I do like the way it is setup with a home room and traveling around campus for each class. It just might get him prepared for the rigors of High School.

Tyler is in 3rd grade now, so far so good. He is usually a good student.

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