I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Doding Mothers Rant

Honestly, is there a GOOD reason to have over half the mothers drive their precious little children to school everyday? Is there a serious flaw with the district school buses the rest of us don't know about?
Aside from the child's very first day of school I see no reason to clog the roads for those of us trying to get to work. My commute which averaged 2 1/2 minutes all summer long has been extended to 10 minutes. Most of that is waiting for these brainiacs to make a suicide left turn onto a four lane highway, without the aid of a stoplight.
I can see the children of these moms when they get to high school, still getting walked to each of their classes.
Many of our neighbor kids group together and walk to the bus stop each morning. It is like a rite of passage into child independence. They seem to do quite well, and ride the bus home each day, walking the 3 blocks home together.
Moms you are raising the next generation to depend on mommy instead of themselves. I guess its all part of the social restructuring this country is going through where self reliance and independence are bad words.
Hell these moms will probably visit "Johnny's" house after he is married to make his bed and pick out his clothes for him.

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