I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Get your guns now

Gun sales up recently

Don't think for a second I haven't been shopping. If that communist, socialist pig Obama gets elected I will have what I need to defend me and mine. Don't like guns? Good, shrink into your little corner and let those of us who know what to do with them apply them when needed.

Sorry libs, you are on your own since you voted for this a-hole. This country will be in a world of hurt, and only the strong will survive, while you help support the good for nothings in the new socialist gov't.

First they take away the means to defend yourself, then they take the rest of your rights. If I own it already, he ain't getting it back!

The second amendment is in jeopardy.

This Marxist idiot wants to take my hard earned money and distribute it to the useless vermin. Bullshit, I work too damn hard for my money and way of life for my family.

Anyone have living parents that may have a nest egg to pass on when they die? Obama is going to tax it at 45% in a new death tax. Don't believe it? Get off your butts and do some checking, because the lame stream media isn't going to out their candidate.

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