I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare reform and Democrat fools

First and foremost, asshats you belong to the DEMOCRAT party, not the DEMOCRATIC party.
You see we aren't even a true democracy, one man equals one vote. We are a Democratic Republic. One in which we elect people to speak for us and which in the end requires less actual vote counting, but trust that you will represent our values not your own.
Which brings me to the point of this post. There are democrats which realize the current Health Care Plan which was just passed is not the answer. Then there are Liberal progressive socialist fools that feel what is mine is also theirs, so I should pay for their health care or contribute in such a way as to allow them to pay less. Let Capitalism and the free market system solve the problem. Competition drives the prices down.
Why do 60 year old women have to carry prenatal care within their health insurance? It is ridiculous, by that logic: I own boat, so I carry boat insurance, therefore you should also carry boat insurance so that I may afford mine. People (LIBERALS) it is not that the Health Care system is not broken, it is the Health Care INSURANCE system that needs tweaking. People without insurance receive emergency services and some services which are not emergencies. The skyrocketing prices are a result of not having interstate commerce, and being forced to carry insurance that doesn't apply to each individual.
So before anyone complains about people saying we don't need reform, listen to what we are saying. Your very own closed mind has prevented you, the accepting scholars of diversity (unless it conflicts with your liberal progressive beliefs) from seeing the truth. YES we need reform of the Insurance regulations mandated by the states. Allow private companies through market competition to present insurance plans according to need.
Send the illegals (who are already breaking the law by being here) back to Mexico. Let them protest their own government, not mine.
You see the Health care system is broken, we all admit it, we have solutions. Tell Pelosi and her miscreants to stop their socialist agenda and really search for a way with Bi-Partisan input. You all helped to elect the witch. It can be done, but not the way they just shoved through the House.

Everyone has access to Health Care, to which degree is the question....

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