I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Smash up Derby

Holy Crap!!
In the wonderful thought process of the developers of our neighborhood, we have narrow streets. They said it was for the neo-traditional look. I cry Bullshit!!! It was so they could build more homes in a confined area.
To give a brief description, our streets are only wide enough to allow parking on one side only. When we moved in to this brand new neighborhood we were allowed to vote as to which side of the street to make "no parking". The lot across from me is a side yard, so to keep people from parking in front of my yard, we,(neighbors and I) elected to make the parking strip across the street. Twelve years later, with all new neighbors, except one, parking has become an issue.
It seems the idiots at the end of the street which is a completely different parking situation have made it their mission to park DIRECTLY behind MY driveway. These are generally high school kids and their friends who are visiting. One by one I have asked them as I see them, not to park behind my driveway. You see, even though this is "Green" Oregon, I own a full size 4x4 extended cab truck (the only one on my street). To back my truck out with a car parked across the street requires the equivalent of a 3-point turn around. Truth is I don't want to accidentally hit their vehicles. So if we avoid causing the situation in the first place, we can avoid the frustration of losing our vehicles to the body shop.
Tonight I am taking out my garbage for tomorrows pick up. Lo and behold, on an otherwise empty neighborhood block there is a little white truck parked where? Behind my fricken driveway!!!!!!
For the first time I went to the offenders house and asked him to move it. First he said "oh I forgot", then before getting in his truck he says no one has told him before. We'll see if he "forgets" again, little bastard.
Hey, I do admit I do not own the street, and will succumb to the poor parking habits of others when all other options have been exhausted. However tonight was blatant, as he had to reverse his truck to park in front of my work van.
Next visit is to his parents, after that things will get nasty!!

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