I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


While information is still coming out, that which has been revealed is a bombshell.
Apparently the top scientific experts on Global Warming have nasty little emails that have been hacked. The information in these emails is very revealing as to the Inconsiderate Truth. I am still researching to get my facts right, without jumping to conclusions, but YOU have been SNOOKERED LIBS. To the tune of billions of dollars. When you drink the kool-aid, be prepared for the hangover. When will the main stream media come out with the full report? When the true agenda is brought to the surface, what will the ramifications be? Where do we stand as a developed nation? This really is bigger than any other scandal we have seen.
Here is one article that has been written on the subject, which contains more information than I have been able to verify.

Climategate by James Delingpole

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