I'm only one man, there's only so many people I can piss off in one day. Although, thanks to the internet, my production has gone up nicely.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Blog

I blog because I am a writer and I'm always looking to finesse my craft...not to mention, I find writing quite intellectually stimulating. I once read that writers are unique among creative types because writers alone believe that the world really needs to hear what they have to say. Painters, sculptors, poets and other artists on the other hand do not suffer this illusion. I don't know if there's any truth to this, but I do know that I enjoy expressing myself through written words. It's so natural to me -- like breathing and blinking."

I found this epiphany on a random blog. You ever blog search just by hitting the "next blog" tab at the top of the blogger page? There are some interesting finds.

In response to what this person wrote, I find it relaxing in a this is what I have to say and no one can interrupt me sort of way. The one thing I have always hated is watching the tv pundits and media types trying to yell over each other because their thought is more important. Frankly, I think both sides have a point, someone is wrong, but it is ALWAYS the OTHER person. So this MY forum. If you agree, great. If you disagree, you have that right, but you won't be yelling over my written word as it is a pointless endeavor. Entertaining to watch, but pointless nonetheless.

As to writing and perfecting my craft, not really. There was a time many years back, when reading, writing,and spelling was where I excelled. I spent most of my free time reading, and actually had some poetry written in a journal. (Someone find it please it could be worth millions now, and I could use the money.) What tuned me out was the wonderful Advanced English Courses in High School. Literary works I found interesting pertaining to the basic fundamentals of composing a story. You know the basic stuff our kids are now doing in the 3rd grade. Instead we spent entire semesters breaking down sentences and paragraphs, with circling this, underlining that, drawing connectors to other words within, addressing punctuation, ugh. No one could even read the original passage when we were done. When we finally got to Hamlet, Shakespeare, works by Robert Frost etc, I had lost interest. I honestly had more fun in 8th grade English. We covered "12 Angry Men", and there was also a French Revolution piece I believe, it was a tv short series in the 80's, "The Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. Conducting brief skits, then analyzing the characters thoughts and positions portrayed by the author is what I enjoyed.

So when you ask why I blog, think about the root of reading and writing... Communication. Plain and simple. Close friends and family never wonder what Rob thinks, he is going to tell you. Bad habit I know, but with this release you still know what I think, without it being intrusive to the fickle thought processes of others. Like watching tv, change the channel.

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